Scale - Audit - Integrate
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Whether you're in deep water, or would just like a second opinion on your team's swimming abilities, C.G. is here to help. Please have a look at our contingent on results services.
As tech teams, from small to large, build increasingly complex applications at an increasing pace, inefficiencies will, almost inevitably, creep in. Any such slack will eventually have consequences of various gravity. Security standards can lower and eventually lead to an intrusion, bringing brand name erosion. It's also known that the tempting ease of spinning up new cloud services, or upsizing existing ones helps rapid development of new complex features.
This can be necessary and inevitable, or it can be used as a shortcut. Too many shortcuts eventually balloon into an immense monthly cost relative to the size of the operation.
As a direct consequence of quick growth, or as a separate facet of inefficiency creep, user experience (UX) can suffer. C.G. will first step into the shoes of your users,
then analyse their usage pattern to determine if their experience can be improved.
a notable increase of 28% from just over half (57%) of companies in 2021. The operating expenditure (OpEx) payment structures of cloud computing allow organizations to
pay for the compute and storage they use, while also monitoring monthly usage and spend.
However, 65% of surveyed IT decision-makers reveal they have “wasted significant IT spend due to cloud inefficiencies” and only 20% of respondents have a holistic
strategy in place when it comes to their transformation."
Robust architectural design and development practices are key in minimising OpEx of web services of any scale. C.G. can help you get there, at a fee contingent on the savings achieved.